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Monday, November 30, 2009

Thankful: Better Late Than Never

I was on hiatus last week, hiding out from the world, but I'm back now...and almost better than ever. I managed to catch a cold over the weekend. Not so thankful for that.

I thought it would be good to put some good karma out into the universe and write a blog about what I'm thankful for. I'm aiming for good karma, not originality, obviously.

Well, let's start out with the most cliche item on the list, family. I've always loved my family, I think thats part of the contract they make you sign at birth, but have I always been thankful for my family? No. This had slowly been changing over the past few years, but it went into hyperspeed this spring. My life basically went up in smoke earlier this year and guess who bailed me out? Yep, my family. Not only did they go out of their way to help me start my life over again they never held any of it against me. I can honestly say, I've never been so thankful for my family in my entire life.

I am also thankful for my amazing friends (old & new), my car Mitzy, the moon, Chipotle, saltine crackers, Trader Joes tofu spring rolls, lavender, Shasta Lake & Ron's boat, antique keys, the healing powers of stones, my garden & plants, copper wire, trips to the coast, long lazy weekends, Agate Beach, Ukrainian wine, massages, road trips, stephanie cheesecake, boots, etsy, purple dresses, full moon parties, abalone, mermaids, my pendulum, having reasons to use my outisde laugh, forgiveness & compassion, clay, So You Think You Can Dance, bubble baths, long conversations on the phone with my girlfriends, yoga, red velvet cupcakes, painting, poetry, lemon drops, and waking up every morning with a smile on my face.

A very special thanks to: Agatha-for finding me, Abigail-for reminding me I'm never alone, Bunni & Ran- for being the big sisters when I couldn't be, V- for always reminding me about who I really am, N-for doing the thing I wasn't brave enough to do, Turkey Cat- for letting me spend so many years wrapped around your little grey paw, Redding-for being so much more than I gave you credit for, Portland-for being the city that forever changed me, Arizona-for persistently beckoning me, and of course all my parents who continue to believe in me even when I continue to confound them.

*This is not a complete list of everything that I thankful for. If I let myself truly write everything I was thankful for your name would also come up.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Hello Sagittarius!

Sagittarius runs from November 22/23-December 20/21 and is a fire sign. It is represented by a Centaur/archer and its ruling planet is Jupiter and its day of the week is Thursday (jeudi for Jupiter in French).

  • Sagittarian Strengths: Generosity, honesty, broad-mindedness, and tremendous vision.
  • Weaknesses: Over-optimism, exaggeration, being too generous with other people's money.
Each sign also has a stone associted with it, often called an astral stone. This idea is based on the harmony that exists between all things. Your astral stone is more than a symbol of your astrology sign - it actually receives the vibrations of the constellation and can strengthen the planetary or zodiacal influence. There is no central authority as to which gemstones are connected to each sign of the zodiac, it varies according to tradition.

Sagittarius' soul stone is a Tourmaline, which comes in several colors including green, pink, champagne, and black. Each of the colors is credited with different properties and healing characteristics.

Sagittarius also has a connection with Amber, Jasper, Moonstone, and Turquoise. These are suggestions and you should always choose a stone you feel a deep connection with.

For more info on Sagittarius you can visit Emily Gems.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Joys of Copper

I love copper! This is pretty evident in the last dozen or so new pieces I've been working on. Today after spending the afternoon editing photos for ETSY....a question popped into my head. Why am I so drawn to copper lately? "Cause I like it," didn't really satisfy my curiosity. So I started researching the meaning behind copper, copper lore, healing energies, etc.

This is what I discovered:

Copper is considered a mineral of energy and mental agility. In legend, copper is said to be the metal of the God Hermes, who facilitates mental agility and quick wit. This mineral can combat lethargy, passivity, restlessness, excitability and non-acceptance of oneself. It stimulates initiative, optimism, diplomacy and independence.

Copper is an excellent conductor of energy, from electricity to the mystical subtle energies emanating from higher planes. Thus, it has been used successfully to amplify and transmit thought. Copper provides a harmonic connection between the physical and astral bodies and aligns the subtle bodies. It is said to be a bestower of good, bringing benefit to its wearer. It also allows one to recognize the barriers which are in the path of ones development. Lastly, it opens and activates the base or root chakra.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Arizona in December

So I bought my plane ticket to Arizona for the second week in December. Bunni & I are going to fly down and meet in Phoenix for 4 days. I have been really drawn to a natural healing school in Tempe and want to check it out before I make my final decision.

I've had so many signs in the last 6 months that keep pointing to Arizona, so I figure I should listen. If all goes well, I will be moving after the first of the year. I just have this feeling that everything is going to work itself out and align just as it should.

You can check out the school at South West Institute of Healing.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

New Copper Swirling Epiphany Earrings

This is the newest design I've been working on. I have made four pairs and they have all been swooped up already. My copper finally arrived, so I'm going to be bending away all night to get some ready to take to Bellissima on Friday and get some posted to my Etsy site WillowLily Creations this weekend. Do you like them?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I was digging through the pantry this morning and found a jar full of tea that I brought from Portland with me. I forgot how much I love Good Earth tea. It's all sweet and spicy and delicious. It's perfect for warming you up in the fall. It made me so happy, I almost forgot how cold I was, almost.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Pondering Portland

Originally written on Oct 18th and then forgotten about, but then rediscovered on accident and posted on Nov 2:

You know what I love about Portland? So many things, actually, I could write a book. Right now what I love the most is the people. The diversity, the polite NW demeanor, the open mindedness and acceptance of all things weird. How many places do you go and when you look even a little lost someone stops and asks if they can help find something? I mean, seriously, that is amazing. I am right now sitting in the park blocks writing this blog and in the last 15 minutes I had three strangers approach me and compliment me and start conversation. Why did I ever leave this place? People here love me and you know what, I LOVE them. I really truly love the people here.
Portland, is so alive. It hums with an energy that speaks to me and sitting here in the midst of downtown, with the leaves raining down around me, couples snuggling and walking their dogs, and the traffic buzzing by I have decided something. I’m not done with Portland. I will never be done with Portland. In all her green quirky yuppie beauty, Portland, will always be my home. I will find some way to always return to her, because she didn’t forget me while I was gone. She welcomed me home with open arms and never once asked why I would desert her without an explanation or barely a goodbye. She understands entirely and she’s just happy, may I dare say, even proud that I have returned to her in one piece, better actually.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Halloween was a two day event this year. The first night took place at Win River Casino. They hosted an Hallows Eve Bash. Although, I had been planning to go, I bought my tickets online a few hours before the event and my costume even later(which really shouldn't surprise anyone). I basically, took the last costume they had in my size. It actually being my size is debatable. They don't really make costumes for elongated folks like myself. I was Medusa, as you can so obviously tell from my picture (or maybe it's not that obvious). My beautiful friend Jen was tinkerbell. Being the faerie lover that I am, I jumped at the chance to trade my gold snake for her wings part way through the night. Hence the snake faerie was born.

The next night took quite a bit of planning, begging, and a little magic. I have somehow acquired the nickname Jessica Rabbit (Who Framed Roger Rabbit?) amongst a handful of people in town. I'm not exactly sure why, but I decided to run with it. Trying to create this outfit was no easy feat, but I wanted it so bad, it kind of just fell together at the last minute. This seems to be a theme in my life. I got the dress from my step-mom, she had it hanging in her closet. She bought it several sizes too big for her so it was huge on me. After some desperate phone calls my step-dad's mom said she could alter it for me. I thought I was going to have get purple gloves online for $40, but a last chance phone call to a little bridal shop supplied them for $8. Score! Last, but not least was the hair. The only shade of red that would work was permanent, but there was no going back now, so I took the leap and decided to deal with the consequences later. This too seems to be a theme in my life. :) Luckily, it all worked out and voila! I'm Jessica Rabbit!
A big group of us went to the Exotic Ball, which by the way was not exotic at all and then all migrated to a bar down the street. The Joker in the picture above actually won a bunch of money for his costume. This last picture is of Lacey, me, my best friend Vito, Roman, and another lovely lady I can't remember the name of.